Black Women for Black Girls (BW4BG)

is a giving circle composed of black women from the greater New York area that support organizations, causes and initiatives that seek to enhance the lives of black girls throughout the five boroughs.
BW4BG members pledge a financial contribution for a two-year period and collaborate to create significant grant-making opportunities. The grants issued by BW4BG are issued to programs and organizations that have demonstrated both the ability and the capacity to improve the lives of black girls in the New York area.
In addition, grant recipients must demonstrate that the programs for which they are being awarded funds make a tangible impact in the BW4BG programmatic prongs, as determined by the study, Black Girls in New York City: Untold Strength & Resilience.

The BW4BG programmatic prongs are:

  • Education
  • Safety & Survival Skills
  • Self-Image & Self Esteem
  • Faith, Family and Racial Identity as Protective Factors
In addition to providing grants to qualified nonprofits, BW4BG plans and executes its own signature program every year.

Why is this giving circle important?

Black Women for Black Girls is a giving circle that calls upon black women to be leaders who will support their younger sisters as they try to attain life success in a difficult urban environment.
While there are many prominent girls advocacy and support groups in New York City and several organizations with a commitment to women and girls both locally and even nationally and internationally, we have an explicit focus on Black girls and we call upon the resources of women who were once those girls: professional Black women in the New York City metropolitan area to support this mission.